Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow, snow, and more SNOW!

My life just can't get any better than this moment.

So, I managed to find my boots from forever ago and Miss Charlotte decided that they matched her outfit better! Go figure :-)

We have lived in Tennessee for over 10 years now. But I'd have to say that this is the most snow we've seen yet! It all started to fall on Friday around 8am. I was scheduled to work and actually carpool with my friend but due to our "low census" I was able to stay home. My friend was not so lucky...(She did make it home safely) By lunch time Friday our entire deck was covered and only the tip of our grass was still visible..By night fall everything was covered by a beautiful 5 inch layer of powdery snow. However, the powder snow was covered by freezing rain that fell all night Friday...So, after a wonderful nights sleep we got on our snow gear (aka jeans, fabric coats, hats and gloves!) We were not prepared in the clothing department for all this snow but we managed just fine! More pictures will soon follow. Happy Saturday!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What have I been up to??

So, as many of you know I have a passion for photography. Over the last few weeks I have been able to capture many precious moments on camera. I have slowly been learning about photography and recently purchased a few new lenses as well as a new camera body. I have been so excited about shooting pictures that I have found myself quite busy with this hobby. I have loved every moment of this adventure and I look forward to learning more about this amazing love I have. Thanks for all who have visited my blog. I will continue to post pictures of all my wonderful friends who have allowed me to be apart of there lives and capture some very special moments. Here are a few pictures of a very wonderful friend Tiffany. She and her husband are awaiting the arrival of there little boy who is only a few weeks from his birthday! Until then....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meet Nathaniel Wade

Here are a few pictures of "Nate" who made his grand entrance 01/24 at 12:50. Mom and dad were so sweet to allow me to capture a few very precious pictures of there first few minutes together.. Enjoy the pictures.. And congratulations Jennifer and Dwayne.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Meet Miss Katilyn

Today I met Miss Katilyn who is 6 months old. She was so great throughout our entire photo shoot you would have thought she was a professional model. Here are a few pictures taken at Katilyn's Gigi's house. More to come....

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